Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Trip to Nara

Nara is about an hour by train from Kyoto. The train traveled throguh busy towns and fields of rice. The land seems to be constantly changing from rual to urban. Houses and shops fill impossible spaces.

Nara was once the capital of Japan. Before Kyoto and before Tokyo it held the power of the Emperor.

Todaiji is a part of many temples and shrines to cover an enormous area. The Kasuga shrine is only one of those shrines. Each has its own history and cultrual importance.


Kathy said...

It's only two days until we start our journey to meet everyone in Hiroshima! We're not packed, we're not even close!

The photos are really fun. You all look like you're very cool, calm, having a good time looking at everything.

What must be generations of deer later (from the time I last saw them in Nara) those deer seem to have inherited or learned habits. Just as bold as ever!

Ah! I think the Betsuin needs a good guardian....20 ft tall, or however tall those wooden sculptures are. That would attract attention.

It's warm here in San Jose, but there are cool breezes. No one in the choir groups looks like they are particularly warm in the photos. (?!) I'm sure we'll find out for ourselves rather quickly!



Mas said...

Yup, the deer are/were as bold as I remember them... I was mobbed when I was like 5 or 6 and took a long time to get over that experience.

As for a good guardian, we could use a big gate, too, to house them!

As for being warm, it actually was cooler than I remember it (in August), but it was plenty hot and humid for me!!